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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm just a writer girl who has a lot to say. Some people think I'm funny, but I know I'm a deep, sistergyal who is just chillin' in the T-Dot giving you my observations. At some point, these thoughts will all be in a book. Then I won't have to fret myself about work. Until then, I blog...

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Judge not lest thou be judged...

I was checking Marlo Girl's blog yesterday and I saw an irate blogger who left a strong comment about the state of MG's morality. The anonymous blogger was going on about MG being morally bankrupt and depraved and ray, ray, ray.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comNot only is MG lacking morals, anyone who reads her love blog and doesn't burn her at the stake is morally depraved as well.

Maybe I should rewind for a quick second.

MG has a love blog that chronicles some situations she finds herself in and some situations she's been in in the past. Personally, I think it's great -- fresh writing, interesting take on love and relationships and well-written. There is nothing graphic or distasteful... I wouldn't tell my mom to read it, but I don't see too many folks having coniptions over it. It's a discussion about love and male/female relationships the way she sees it.

So, this anonymous blogger had beef with what Marlo wrote and proceded to ream her out.

I was annoyed about what this anonymous blogger said. Maybe I was vexed because he/she thought I was depraved as well. Maybe it's because I know Marlo and she's not depraved.

I mean, I may not agree or understand everything she does and she probably doesn't agree or understand everything I do, but I don't have to understand the way she lives her life. God gave us all free will to make our decisions and live our lives the way we see fit.

I don't know the context of the stories she tells, so how can I make a correct judgment or assumption?

Besides, is it really my place to judge? Yes, wrong is wrong and right is right -- but only within context. In context, Karla Homolka is depraved.

Marlo? Nah.

So, while I may not understand all the things others do, I must respect their right to handle their lives how they see fit.

If my opinion is asked, I'll give it. If no one asks what I think, then I hush my mouth. Yes, I understand a blog is there to be commented upon, but I really wonder what someone thinks they're doing by verbally abusing someone who's writing their thoughts?

Shame them into stopping whatever it is that they're doing?

What they are going to do is become defensive and look at you like you're a fool.

Look, none of us are perfect -- the only perfect person to walk the earth was Jesus.

Your dirt may not be the same dirt, it may have nothing to do with relationships. Your dirt may be that you're judgmental. Or mean-spirited. Or petty, vindictive, a liar, not trustworthy, etc. You may be embezzling money from your job. You may abuse you girlfriend/boyfriend/child or you don't give a damn about people starving around the world because your belly is full.

And because you don't expose your life in a blog doesn't mean that you aren't morally bankrupt.
Your stuff is just undercover.


Blogger Yan Tan said...




11:52 AM  

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